(Video) How Is A Great Sales Funnel Structured?

(Video) How Is A Great Sales Funnel Structured?

The advantages of the sales funnel Generating a sales funnel which is well structured, is the basis to get a higher percentage of conversion from anonymous users to leads (database records) and finally convert them into actual customers to a company. In addition, the...

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(Video) How To Design A Sales Funnel That Sells

(Video) How To Design A Sales Funnel That Sells

A sales funnel, is a multi-step process where you guide, step by step, from the first time a lead visits your site until he or she becomes a real customer. In this post, we show a video that explains how you can benefit from this process, what parts form a sales...

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Send Qualified Traffic

15 Ways To Drive More Traffic To Your Website That Works

The main problem that people face is traffic: "how do I send more traffic to my website?", "show me ways to drive more traffic to my website". The list shown below, taken from incomediary.com, gives us some ideas about traffic generation. If you have other ways to...

(Video) How To Send Free Traffic To Your Website Quickly

Free Traffic needs a lot of effort. It is not actually “free” because you have to put time and effort in it and it is not instant traffic as the paid alternative. The methods to generate free traffic explained in the video are: YouTube SEO Twitter FB Group Posting...

(Video) The SEO Ranking Component You Have To Master In No Time

I think you'll agree with me when I say: It's REALLY hard to get hordes of traffic into your website. The most important reason why SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is necessary is because it makes your website more useful for both users and search engines, although...